The vast majority, 80% of the global workforce are deskless workers yet they often remain voiceless. The absence of efficient communication tools and platforms results in a loss of crucial insights from these workers.
“Understanding the needs of these frontline employees is paramount to fostering a more connected, engaged, and productive work environment,” Dr. Angelina Sun states. Notably, the feedback from these deskless employees is not only about work satisfaction but also holds the potential to pinpoint bottlenecks and suggest operational improvements.
As revealed by the 2023 Global Employee Experience Study, despite 45% of employees claiming that their current communication technology affects their work-life balance, a staggering 34% reported to still communicate through unsecured, fragmented channels.
The importance of genuine two-way communications is underscored, with traditional top-down approaches failing to engage deskless workers. Dr. Sun suggests that operational communications, which leverage real-time workforce data and automation, are critical to listening to the Voice of the Employee (VOE) from the deskless workforce.
There’s an urgent call for change. As the article concludes, “By elevating the voice of your deskless workers, you will not only foster a more connected, engaged, and productive workforce, but also position your organisation for long-term success.”