Fairness: The Future of Hourly Employment

The world of hourly employment is an integral part of the deskless workforce. Millions rely on these jobs for their livelihood, contributing significantly to diverse industries like retail, hospitality, and manufacturing. However, the employee rostering practices businesses use can create significant challenges for these workers, impacting their well-being, financial stability, and ability to plan for the future.

Flexible rostering is increasingly becoming table-stakes for today’s deskless workforce, and employers who adopt modern rostering practices are more likely to win new talent and keep the employees they have. Let’s explore how businesses can move beyond bad rostering practices like “clopening” (when a person works a closing shift and then returns for the next opening shift, leaving little time to rest in between), unpredictable on-call shifts, and constantly rotating rosters with the right employee rostering solution.

The Problem: Rostering Instability and Its Impact

Many hourly workers face a constant struggle with rostering instability. This can manifest in several ways:

  • Clopening: The practice of rostering a closing shift followed by working the next opening shift should be avoided. Not using employee rostering software to avoid clopening shifts can lead to limited downtime between shifts, disrupt sleep patterns and reduce available free time for personal commitments.
  • On-Call Shifts: Requires employees to be available at short notice, often with little or no control over when they are called in.
  • Rotating Rosters: Employees are assigned different work hours each week, making it hard to plan for childcare, transportation, or other recurring commitments. These unpredictable rosters can lead to stress, anxiety, and difficulty maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

These rostering practices create serious, long-term problems for employees. Our Third Annual Global Employee Experience Study analyses employee experience perceptions with a focus on hourly shift workers. In the study, we learned employees who don’t have rostering flexibility are more likely to leave. Rostering flexibility remains a top priority, especially for deskless workers; these workers want:

  1. Secure Rosters: Most hourly workers crave roster security. The right employee rostering software helps employees know their work hours in advance, allowing them to plan childcare, manage finances, attend appointments, and pursue hobbies. Unpredictable rostering can lead to difficulty keeping a healthy lifestyle.
  2. A Voice in Their Roster: Employees want to have a say in their work rosters. A collaborative approach where preferences are considered gives employees some control over their rosters and can improve employee experience.
  3. Collaboration and communication: The ability to see their roster more than a week in advance and swap shifts with co-workers gives staff autonomy over their time, fosters a sense of teamwork, and improves overall efficiency.

The Future of Fair Rostering

Businesses can move beyond these unfair practices and embrace a more employee-centric approach to rostering. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Predictable Rosters: Wherever possible, create consistent rosters with minimal changes week-to-week. This allows employees to plan for their personal lives and reduces stress.
  • Preference-Based Rostering: Implement systems that allow employees to express their preferred work hours. Whilst business needs must be met, some flexibility allows employees to have some control over their rosters.
  • Technology Solutions: Leverage rostering software that allows for employee input, shift swaps, and open communication. These tools can help create more predictable and flexible rosters.
  • Cross-Training: Offering cross-training opportunities allows for greater employee flexibility and can reduce the need for unpredictable on-call shifts.

Benefits of Fair Rostering

Implementing fair rostering practices through an employee rostering solution offers many benefits for both employers and employees:

  • Increased Employee Retention: Fair rostering practices can significantly reduce employee turnover, leading to cost savings for businesses.
  • Improved Employee Engagement: When employees feel valued and have some control over their rosters, they are more likely to be engaged and productive at work.
  • Reduced Absenteeism: Predictable rosters allow employees to manage childcare and other personal commitments, leading to fewer unplanned absences.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Happy and engaged employees provide better customer service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Fairness is Key

Fair and predictable rostering practices are a feel-good initiative that’s essential for building a thriving and resilient workforce. By prioritising rostering fairness with employee rostering software, businesses can attract and retain top talent, improve employee well-being, and ultimately create a more successful and sustainable organisation. Strengthen your employees’ experience by giving them more control and flexibility.

Book your demo today to see how the WorkForce Suite can provide the flexibility your workforce demands with the coverage you want — no matter how you roster your workforce.

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